Per Zha Zha reviews Jamie Oliver’s Jamie’s Garden Greenhouse

Hello World,

I missed  you this week, what fun have you been up to?

I have been constructing a greenhouse and planted 4 types of herbs using @JamieOliver new kids product ‘Jamies Garden Greenhouse’. Its been so much fun putting all the pieces together, watching the dry piece of toast grow, yes it looks like a dry bit of toast but its not! I got my fingers a little dirty and made a small mess. I also had fun planting my herbs, can’t wait until they sprout cute little buds. I will post some photos to show you how they are thriving is their warm little spot away from direct sunlight. The greenhouse is so compact you could sit it in your apartment kitchen. Mine is sitting on one of the coffee tables.

Mom brought @jamieoliver Jamies Garden Greenhouse from #Woolworths which is a supermarket chain in Australia. it cost less than $10 AUD and is suitable for children over the age of 3. I am 9 years old and I had to ask Mom to help me put it together but she didn’t get to put the stickers on!!

You can watch my youtube video here:

Keep in touch with me here and write a comment. Tell me what YOU think of Jamie Oliver’s Jamie’s Garden Greenhouse.

Miss you already ~ Love Per Zha Zha xo


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